Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Are you ready to sell your ART at the Downtown Fort Myers Saturday Art Fair?

You have a passion to create and enthusiasm to sell what you create.  You have the inventory required to enter a art or craft fair, the physical stamina and support from your family or friends.  But are you ready to join a retail art and craft fair?  Answer the questions below and see if you are ready to sell your art or craft.
Art Display of Brian Christensen
Bill Hofer - a photography vendor

  1. You have sold items you hand-created to your friends.
  2. You have given your hand-made items to family and friends; who in turn said they would buy items from you.
  3. Your art or craft is well made.
  4. You have money put aside for entering a fair, usually around $200.00 to $300.00
  5. You enjoy talking about your art.
  6. You want to commit your time to producing art and selling it at a fair.
  7. You have 50 pieces of art or fine crafts or have the time, money and materials to produce them for a fair.
  8. Friends have commissioned pieces of art or fine crafts from you and you have been able to produce the piece to their satisfaction and by the deadline they ask.
  9. You can spend 2 to 4 hours at a time, smiling and talking to possible customers.
  10. You can take some criticism on your product without getting angry, upset or having your feeling hurt.
If you answered YES to 6 or more of these statements:  
You are ready to get into an art and fine craft fair.
Download the prospectus now and join us the the November 17th for the 
Downtown Fort Myers Saturday Art Fair    Click on download the prospectus now.

If you answered NO to 5 or more statements:
Something is holding you back - look at what you answered no to and try to turn it into a YES.

Remember to sell your work, it has to be good quality, you have to be able to make it regularly, you have to want to sell and talk about your work.  Buyers must like your works as much as you do.  

If you enter an art and fine craft fair and your works are not selling.  
  1. You should look at what the other vendors are producing and selling.
  2.  Look at the quality of your art or fine craft.
  3.  Look at your presentation - presentation of your works is everything!  A great presentation will sell even mediocre art or fine craft.  
  4. Make sure that your space is not over crowded, if you made 25 Halloween pumpkin pins - you don't have to place all 25 on the table.  
  5. Think in numbers of 3 or 5....this is a pleasing number and makes for better arrangements.  
  6. If you have fine art - have an assortment of your best hung and have the rest in browse bins.  
Painted Palm Fronds of  Jean Stanish
Jewelry Creations of Anita Coppolino

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